Policy & Advocacy Skill-Building Webinars



Child Care Aware® of America is pleased to provide multiple pre-recorded skill-building webinars for you to amp up your advocacy skills. We appreciate you taking your time to engage in advocacy and lift up your voice for child care. Review our featured programs or peruse the full catalog of Policy & Advocacy recordings. 

Click the button below, then select "search by category" and choose our learning track, "Stand for Child Care."

Full Catalog


  The Art of Advocacy Storytelling

Watch our latest multi-part webinar, The Art of Advocacy Storytelling, to learn how to craft and share your personal stories with lawmakers. The training also includes interviews with child care advocates like you as they share their advocacy stories and provide tips for new storytellers. 


       Using Data to Maximize Advocacy

Data plays a vital role when advocating. Combining numbers and child care stories can lead to maximum impact. Watch as the CCAoA Policy and Advocacy team share how advocates can include data from CCAoA’s recent 2022 Catalyzing Growth research to strengthen their advocacy efforts.


        Introduction to Federal Funding

This four-part webinar training series that will introduce and refresh advocates on the primary funding streams for child care at the federal level. The training also includes taking information on how to engage in advocacy efforts for increased federal funding.

The Advocate Spotlight

In this series, you can hear from advocates across the country about specific tactics they have used in their advocacy work in short 20-minute or less interviews. This series is for all advocates looking to learn more about different tactics they can incorporate into their work. 

  Mary Janssen: Hosting Visits for Lawmakers
Hear from Mary in Iowa, the Children and Families Service Director at the Iowa Resource and Referral Center. Mary shares how she hosts visits for lawmakers at child care facilities and provides tips for advocates on building those relationships after those visits in our first installment. Watch more of CCAoA's Advocacy trainings here

  Robin Phillips: Engaging with Local Businesses

Hear from Robin from Missouri, the Chief Executive Officer of Child Care Aware of Missouri. Robin shares how she engages with her business community about the importance of child care and how vital relationship-building is in advocacy in our second installment. Watch more of CCAoA's Advocacy trainings here

   Marsha Basloe: The Power of Educators Sharing Their Stories
      Hear from Marsha in North Carolina, the President of NC's Child Care Services Association. Marsha shares the importance of child care educators sharing their stories. Watch more of CCAoA's Advocacy trainings here

     Lisa Hildebrand: Hosting A Candidate Forum      
       Hear from Lisa of Rhode Island, the Executive Director of the state's chapter of the Association for the Education of Young People. Lisa shares the importance of discussing child care policy with state and local candidates by hosting a candidate forum. Watch more of CCAoA's Advocacy trainings here.

   Jonny Carkin: Growing Your Non-Lobbying Advocacy Toolkit
       Hear from Jonny of Idaho, the Assistant Advocacy Director of the state's chapter of the Association for the Education of Young People. Johnny shares the various advocacy tactics available for advocates and the impact activations efforts like contacting a lawmaker can have. Watch more of CCAoA's Advocacy trainings here.

   Janna Rodriguez: On the Importance of Early Care Educators in Advocacy
     Hear from Janna of New York, founder of the Innovative Daycare Corp. Janna shares advice on how            important it is for early care educators can get involved in advocacy, her journey, and tips to get started. Watch more of CCAoA's Advocacy trainings here.

  Nancy Jost: Benefits of Testifying on a Legislative Hearing
     Hear from Nancy of Minnesota, a fifty-year child care advocate. Nancy shares her experience testifying for legislative hearings, why lawmakers must hear the personal narratives of providers, and what she learned from her run for office. Watch more of CCAoA's Advocacy trainings here.

  Asia Crowfield: The Importance of Parent Advocacy
   Hear from Asia, a parent advocate. Asia shares her experience speaking with lawmakers at CCAoA's Hill Day and why parents must speak up for child care. Watch more CCAoA's Advocacy trainings here.
